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    Product Name:K-309 process glue

    K-309 process glue

    Barcode (EAN)


    Product Details Product Norm Aftermarket Service
    1, the first glue with structural glue, process glue, caulking glue function
    2, applied to mobile phone screen and bracket bonding, fill the gap between curved screen and bracket
    3, suitable for glass, metal, plastic bonding of various materials
    4, curing fast without heating, 5 minutes to dry the surface, only 20-40 minutes to fully cure, and B7000 glue requires 24 hours to cure
    5, strong adhesion, waterproof does not degumming
    6, in line with RoHS environmental requirements, no impact on the environment and human health, non-corrosive does not hurt the inner screen
    7, silicone glue, different from B7000, TS000 solvent-based glue, does not contain chemical solvents, so it is not corrosive
    Net capacity: 30ml
    Official Service